February 2009 Issue

Hollywood's Hurrell

This image may contain Human Person Norma Shearer Face Clothing and Apparel


Norma Shearer, 1929. Courtesy of the Hurrell Estate Collection.

As the stars of Hollywood flock to the City of Angels for Oscar Night, the Hurrell Estate presents a new website of images from George Hurrell, known as the "Grand Seigneur of the Hollywood Portrait."

The glamour portraitist, whose mesmerizing photographs filled the pages of Vogue and Vanity Fair, also worked as the head of the MGM portrait gallery in 1930, and helped launch the careers of Bette Davis, Humphrey Bogart, and Rita Hayworth.

Herewith, a slide show of images from the website.

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Joan Crawford, 1932. Courtesy of the Hurrell Estate Collection. < li>[#image: /photos/56cda313a0125ee03f19bc56]|||Harlow_Jean_16.jpg|||Jean Harlow, 1932. Courtesy of the Hurrell Estate Collection. < li>[#image: /photos/56cda31374aa723d5e3bf160]|||Pickford_Mary_40.jpg|||Mary Pickford, 1933. Courtesy of the Hurrell Estate Collection. < li>[#image: /photos/56cda31374aa723d5e3bf162]|||Garbo_Greta _12.jpg|||Greta Garbo, 1930. Courtesy of the Hurrell Estate Collection. < li>[#image: /photos/56cda313a0125ee03f19bc5f]|||Page_Anita _37.jpg|||Anita Page, 1932. Courtesy of the Hurrell Estate Collection. < li>[#image: /photos/56cda313c3c1e512485b5e4f]|||Shearer_Norma_44.jpg|||Norma Shearer, 1929. Courtesy of the Hurrell Estate Collection.