CBD Oil Tinctures

Explore our wide selection of CBD tinctures, including broad spectrum and full spectrumoils, plus special formulations with mushrooms and delta-9 THC! CBD oil tinctures remain one of the most popular ways to enjoy the calming wellness benefits of CBD. Beyond the ritualistic pleasure of holding a tasty oil drop under your tongue, our tinctures give you a wide range of benefits, from daily wellness to chill vibes to a good night’s sleep.** We’ve also expanded our CBD oil selection to include blends with adaptogenic mushrooms, as well as formulations that take our THC content right up to the legal limit. If you need a high-potency oil tincture, chances are you’ll find the perfect one right here!

Explore our wide selection of CBD tinctures, including broad spectrum and full spectrumoils, plus special formulations with mushrooms and delta-9 THC! CBD oil tinctures remain one of the most popular ways to enjoy the calming wellness benefits of CBD. Beyond the ritualistic pleasure of holding a tasty oil drop under your tongue, our tinctures give you a wide range of benefits, from daily wellness to chill vibes to a good night’s sleep.** We’ve also expanded our CBD oil selection to include blends with adaptogenic mushrooms, as well as formulations that take our THC content right up to the legal limit. If you need a high-potency oil tincture, chances are you’ll find the perfect one right here!

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For many people, tinctures are the most familiar and preferred method of consuming CBD. Perhaps the reason oil tinctures are so popular is because you can regulate the exact size of your serving. Additionally, adjusting your dose is relatively easy by adding or subtracting a few drops. Everyone is different, and we all have different factors that affect bioavailability, including weight, height, body mass, and tolerance, to name a few. Using a tincture allows you to experiment a bit more to dial in the exact amount of CBD that fits your needs.

CBDfx has three different oil tinctures, each made with pure, organic CBD oil (with the transparency of third-party lab reports). Each oil has its own unique profile that takes advantage of the Entourage Effect, the unique interaction between different cannabinoids when they are consumed. The CBD + CBG Oil Wellness Tincture blends broad spectrum CBD with CBG, the “mother of all cannabinoids,” for a wonderful, health-boosting daily supplement. The CBD + CBN Oil Calmness Tincture features full spectrum CBD (that is, the oil containing all of the rich cannabinoid and terpene profile, just as it was extracted from the hemp plant), as well as CBN, the “ultimate relaxation cannabinoid.” This provides a restful, calming effect which is great for kicking back and relaxing, and even getting ready for sleep. If you’re looking for a sleep tincture, though, I recommend the CBD Oil Sleep Tincture, which features broad spectrum CBD, CBN, popular natural sleep aid melatonin, and a host of sleep terpenes. This tincture effectively helps you to get to sleep quickly, and to sleep soundly through the night.

What Is CBD Oil?

When we’re talking about CBD oil, we’re talking about the oil extracted from the buds, leaves and stems of the hemp plant (so, not hemp seed oil). Hemp oil is rich in cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids, and has many wellness benefits due to the interaction these compounds (CBD, in particular) have with the body’s endocannabinoid system.

CBD oil tinctures contain this rich, robust hemp oil and usually some sort of carrier oil, such as coconut-derived MCT oil, so that your body can better absorb the CBD. Beyond that, it’s simply a matter of dialing in additional ingredients to serve the purpose of a particular product, such as added THC for our relaxing Delta-9 THC Oil Tinctures or adaptogenic mushrooms for our CBD + Mushroom Drops.

The Benefits Of CBD Tinctures

CBD oil gives you a great base, from which you build out a variety of health and wellness products. As mentioned, CBD oil itself is rich in cannabinoids (including CBDCBGCBNCBC, and trace amounts of THC), terpenesflavonoids, and health-boosting fatty acids. This rich cannabis oil delivers a wide variety of calming health and wellness benefits through its interaction with the body’s endocannabinoid system. The ECS helps the body to maintain homeostasis, or balance, in a variety of organs and systems, most notably the central and peripheral nervous systems. This helps the body to regulate such functions as mood, memory, motor control, appetite, stress management, and much more.** This beneficial interaction is why CBD has become such a popular health and wellness supplement.

From there, we’re always researching new formulations to address every wellness need, from sleep support and stress relief to focused energy and relaxed feelings of wellbeing. Whether we’re making use of additional cannabinoid compounds and terpenes, bringing in well-known supplements like melatonin or curcumin, or reinventing our CBD oils altogether with adaptogenic mushrooms or delta-9 THC, we’re always looking for new ways to maximize your wellness.

It’s worth noting that when your CBD product is made with full spectrum or broad spectrum CBD, you can take advantage of the Entourage Effect. This refers to the phenomenon in which CBD and other hemp compounds, when taken together, actually bolster one another’s effects. So, in the case of a full spectrum or broad spectrum CBD sleep product, the CBD and CBN will actually work harder for you than they would on their own, giving you a more potent sleep product

Check out this handy table, showing the various formulas we use in our CBD, THC, and mushroom oils.

ProductType of CBDCBD (mg)THC (mg)Other notable ingredients
CBD + CBG Wellness TinctureBroad spectrum CBD1000–6000 mg CBDN/ACBG, curcumin, coenzyme Q10
CBD + CBN Calming TinctureFull spectrum CBD1000–6000 mg CBDN/ACBN, terpenes
CBD Sleep TinctureBroad spectrum CBD1000–4000 mg CBDN/ACBN, melatonin, sleep terpenes
Ultimate Chill Delta-9 THC TinctureFull-spectrum CBD1500–6000 mg CBD67.5–135 mg THCN/A
Sweet Dreams Delta-9 THC TinctureFull-spectrum CBD1500–6000 mg CBD67.5–135 mg THCCBN
Focus Blend CBD Mushroom TinctureBroad spectrum CBD1000–4000 mg CBDN/ACBG, chaga, cordyceps, lion’s mane 
Relax Blend CBD Mushroom TinctureBroad spectrum CBD1000–4000 mg CBDN/ACBN, reishi, turkey tail, maitake

How To Take CBD Oil Drops

CBD oil tinctures are great, because they allow you to dial in the exact amount of CBD in your serving, unlike products such as CBD capsules or gummies, which have a fixed serving size. If this is your first time taking an oil tincture (or the first time you’ve stepped up to a delta-9 THC oil), here’s a quick primer on how to take CBD tinctures.

1. Check The Serving Size

Read the label of your CBD oil tincture carefully to determine the recommended dosage. That doesn’t mean this is the perfect CBD dosage for you, necessarily. We all have different levels of bioavailability — that is, the amount and rate at which we absorb CBD. If you’re trying CBD (or delta-9 THC) for the first time, start with a low dosage in order to help gauge the effects of your CBD product. A recommended serving size for all of our tinctures is a single 1mL dropper. So, for your first time, we recommend just trying just half a dropper to see how the CBD product affects you.

2. Place Drops Under The Tongue

Your body will absorb the CBD in a couple of ways. First and foremost, it’s important to hold the hemp tincture under your tongue for 60 seconds in order for the CBD to be absorbed through the capillaries of your mouth. This will get the CBD into your bloodstream much quicker than if you had simply swallowed it, which would mean waiting for the CBD to be absorbed through your digestive tract. Of course, once you swallow the cannabidiol oil, it will travel through your digestive system, in addition, giving you extended benefits.

Make sure not to drink anything for about 10 minutes after you take your CBD oil. This way, the capillaries of your mouth will continue to soak in any residual CBD.

3. Be Patient And Understand The Effects Of Your CBD Tincture

Don’t expect to feel the CBD effects immediately. Sublingual CBD products can take 15–30 minutes to kick in, depending on bioavailability factors. It’s also important to understand what your CBD tincture was designed to do. For instance, if you take our CBD + CBG Oil Wellness Tincture, don’t expect to relax or unwind. A CBD wellness elixir is designed for focus and daily wellness benefits, not relaxation. If you know what your tincture is supposed to do, and understand bioavailability rates for CBD oils, you can better manage your expectations. 

Now, it’s just a matter of whether or not your CBD dosage was the correct serving size for you.

4. Your CBD Tincture Worked? Great, You’re Done!

If just a half dropper of CBD tincture was enough for you to feel the effects, then you’ve found your own personal “Goldilocks” serving size: the one that’s just right for you! Don’t worry that it’s only a half dropper. In fact, you should celebrate the fact that you can stretch out your CBD supply much farther than other folks can.

5. Didn’t Feel The Effects Of Your CBD Product? Recalibrate Your Dosage

A half dropper of CBD Sleep Tincture wasn’t quite enough to put you down for the night? Don’t worry — and don’t reach for the bottle to grab an extra drop! If you get impatient and take a second dose of CBD oil, you won’t know whether you’re feeling the effects of the second drop or the first drop kicking in a little later than expected. And you may accidentally build up an unnecessary tolerance to CBD, as well.

When you try a new CBD product (or Delta-9 THC), you should be prepared to under-dose on the first day. That’s okay. Tomorrow, after the first CBD drop has worked its way out of your system, you can try again with a higher dose (three-fourths of a dropper or a full CBD dropper). Then, you’ll know for certain what did and didn’t work.

6. Or …

You can also bypass the whole sublingual method, altogether, and simply swallow your CBD oil. Many people, in fact, add CBD oil tincture to their coffee or smoothie. This works perfectly fine, as well. Just know that when you take your tincture as an edible, absorbing it through your digestive system rather than beneath the tongue, it will take longer to feel the effects (30 minutes to two hours, on average).

Tips On Buying CBD Oil

When you shop for any CBD hemp product, it’s important to understand how to check for quality, both in the hemp plant oil used to make the product and the various ingredients. Make sure, when you buy CBD, to keep these four criteria in mind when you buy CBD oil:

  • CBD oil derived from organic hemp plants
  • CBD procured using safe extraction methods only
  • Backed by a Certificate of Analysis (COA)
  • All-natural ingredients

At CBDfx, we only use organic hemp and we extract the CBD using clean carbon dioxide. That means, our products are free from harmful chemicals, such as pesticides, heavy metals, GMOs, and solvent residues. And you can verify the purity and potency of all of our CBD products by looking at the independent, third-party lab report (or Certificate of Analysis) we provide on our website for every product we sell. We also use only natural ingredients, such as coconut-derived MCT oil, in our products. At CBDfx, you can shop with confidence that you’re going to purchase the very best CBD oil products.

Frequently Asked Questions
microdose capsules

CBD and THC oil tinctures are great for providing the calming wellness benefits of these powerful cannabinoid compounds. Many people take CBD and THC tinctures to help with stress, sleep, and other issues.

CBD oil (and THC oil) held beneath the tongue for 60 seconds generally takes about 15 minutes before you feel the effects. This can vary depending on bioavailability factors, such as weight, height, metabolism, body mass, and so forth.

On average (and depending on personal bioavailability factors), the effects of a sublingual tincture last between four and six hours.

Oil tincture products are especially handy for measuring out the exact amount of CBD that serves your needs. Not everyone has the same tolerance for these products, so being able to determine your own perfect CBD dosage is a big plus for some people.

Full-spectrum CBD oil is the oil that is initially extracted from the cannabis hemp plant, containing all the cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, and healthy fatty acids of the plant. Some prefer not to use an oil that contains trace amounts of THC, and so when detectable amounts of THC are filtered out, the resulting oil is called broad spectrum CBD oil. CBD isolate is CBD with all other plant matter removed, leaving only 99% pure CBD.